COVID19 Safety - UV Cleaning

Dear Families:
Hope and pray all are keeping well. This week was very hard on us, but with God’s help we made it through. We have received all of our Staff’s test results. Except for Staff in one classroom testing positive, the rest of the Center staff tested negative. This is a huge praise to the Lord, even though we hurt for the other Staff. This has also allowed us to determine exposure was contained to one room only. The families in that class room were informed of the situation. Some of the families took their children for testing and the rest are quarantining them at home. All of them are advised to go back for care after the quarantine of 2 weeks. As informed in the earlier notification, the Ridgecrest Regional Hospital has sent a crew to thoroughly disinfect the facility and on Friday, July 3rd, they completed the final disinfecting process with UV cleaning. Now each and every area of the Center is 100% germ free to open up for care beginning Monday, July 6th. This experience has taught us to become even more proactive and watchful. We will continue our protocol, and our number one goal, which is protecting your children. We have missed you all and are looking forward to seeing you next week. As a reminder, if your child is fussy or you feel your child is sick, please do not bring your child to the Center.
Below, I have included Center for Disease Control instructions on how we follow protocols for COVID-19.
Take care and God Bless,
Hadassah Ratna Rajaratnam, Director ICCDC July 4th 2020